Abstract Factory Pattern

2023-06-11 | #abstract-factory-pattern #creational-patterns #design-patterns

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom, and the name of this kingdom was “Abstract Factory”. Although it seemed abstract, everything in this kingdom had a purpose, a certain order, and a specific design. There were certain rules on how everything was made, and these rules were based on design patterns that regulated the creation of objects. In the kingdom of Abstract Factory, the King, known as AbstractFactory, would manage the factories of different types of products.

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Builder Pattern

2023-06-11 | #builder-pattern #creational-patterns #design-patterns

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful kingdom, and its name was “Builder Pattern”. Everything in this kingdom was about the art of constructing complex objects step by step and connecting them together. These complex objects were the most valuable treasures of the kingdom, and each one was carefully and thoughtfully constructed. The wisest person in the kingdom was this master named the Builder. The Builder would construct complex objects using materials like stones, bricks, and wood.

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Factory Method Pattern

2023-06-11 | #creational-patterns #design-patterns #factory-method-pattern

Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom, and its name was “Factory Method”. This kingdom was a place that controlled the creation of objects. The wisest ruler of the kingdom believed that the creation of objects had its own special ways, and this was part of his rule. The ruler had a princess, and her name was “Creator”. Creator used her magical powers every day to create a new object.

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Prototype Pattern

2023-06-11 | #creational-patterns #design-patterns #prototype-pattern

Once upon a time, there was a place called the Land of Creators. In this land, there was a secret to creating new objects quickly and efficiently. This secret was called the “Prototype Pattern”. One day in the Land of Creators, there was a magical drawing pen. This pen had the ability to copy any object it touched. This feature made the creation of objects easy and fast, because instead of creating each object from scratch, an existing object was being copied.

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LINQ and Optimistic Concurrency: Methods for Ensuring Data Integrity

2023-06-11 | #linq #net #optimistic-concurrency

When working with databases, it is of great importance to properly manage concurrent operations and ensure data integrity. Concurrency control is used to manage multiple users or processes accessing the same data concurrently. In this article, we will explore how to ensure data integrity using LINQ (Language Integrated Query) with optimistic concurrency. What is Optimistic Concurrency? Optimistic concurrency is a method where resources are not locked when a transaction begins, but changes are checked before the transaction is completed.

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LINQ and Pessimistic Concurrency: Methods for Ensuring Data Integrity

2023-06-11 | #linq #net #pessimistic-concurrency

When working with databases, managing concurrent operations and ensuring data integrity are of great importance. Concurrency control is used to manage multiple users or processes accessing the same data concurrently. In this article, we will explore how to use LINQ (Language Integrated Query) with pessimistic concurrency to maintain data integrity. What is Pessimistic Concurrency? Pessimistic concurrency is based on the principle of locking the relevant data when a transaction begins and maintaining the lock until the transaction is completed.

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The Story of the Orchestra Conductor: Orchestration-Based Saga with Microservice

2023-06-11 | #microservice #orchestration-based-saga #saga-pattern

In another corner of the Land of Computers, in the City of Microservices, there was another world where all microservices moved according to a specific symphony. In this world, all microservices were governed by a single orchestra conductor, and this management model was called “Orchestration-Based Saga.” This resembled a music performance in a grand orchestra. Just as an orchestra conductor tells all musicians when and which notes to play, in this world, the Orchestra Conductor Microservice determined when and how all microservices would move.

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The Story of the Orchestra Conductor: A Saga of Orchestration with Microservices

2023-06-11 | #choreography-based-saga #microservice #saga-pattern

In another corner of the Land of Computers, in the City of Microservices, there was another world where all microservices moved according to a specific symphony. In this world, all microservices were managed by a single orchestra conductor, and this management model was called “Orchestration-Based Saga.” It was akin to a music performance in a grand orchestra. Just as an orchestra conductor tells all musicians when to play which notes, here the Orchestra Conductor Microservice determined when and how all microservices would move.

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Edgedb Computed Links

2023-04-12 | #edgedb #edgedb-links

Computed Links is a structure used to define relationships between two objects. These links are created by using a defined query or function to calculate the relationship between associated objects. Computed Links is a structure used to define relationships between two objects. These connections are created by using a defined query or function to calculate the relationship between the associated objects. This structure is very useful for ensuring consistency of the data held in the database.

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