Programming with Zig: From Basics to Mastery
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Zig: History, Philosophy, and Getting Started
- The origins of Zig
- Core design principles
- Comparison with other languages (C, Rust, Go)
- Setting up the Zig development environment
- Writing and running your first Zig program
2. Basic Syntax and Data Types in Zig
- Variables and constants
- Basic data types
- Comptime and runtime variables
- Arrays and slices
- Strings in Zig
- Type inference and explicit typing
3. Control Flow and Functions in Zig
- If statements and switch expressions
- For loops and while loops
- Defer and errdefer
- Function declaration and calling
- Return values and error unions
- Anonymous functions and closures
4. Memory Management and Pointers in Zig
- Stack vs heap allocation
- Using allocators in Zig
- Pointers and dereferencing
- Slices as fat pointers
- Memory safety features in Zig
5. Error Handling and Optionals in Zig
- The error type and error sets
- Returning and catching errors
- Try, catch, and switch on errors
- Optional types and null safety
- Unwrapping optionals safely
6. Structs, Enums, and Unions in Zig
- Defining and using structs
- Methods and associated functions
- Enums and switch expressions
- Tagged unions
- Anonymous structs and tuples
7. Generics and Comptime in Zig
- Generic functions and types
- Comptime function execution
- Type-level programming
- Conditional compilation
- Build-time code generation
8. Concurrency and Async Programming in Zig
- Threads in Zig
- Async functions and event loops
- Async/await syntax
- Channels and message passing
- Synchronization primitives
9. Building and Package Management with Zig
- The Zig build system
- Creating and using build.zig files
- Dependency management
- Cross-compilation with Zig
- Creating and publishing Zig packages
10. Interoperability: Using Zig with C and Other Languages
- Importing and using C libraries
- Exporting Zig functions for C
- Translating between Zig and C types
- FFI (Foreign Function Interface) best practices
- Integrating Zig with existing codebases
11. Advanced Topics: Metaprogramming and Reflection in Zig
- Comptime reflection capabilities
- Generating code at compile-time
- Introspection of types and values
- Advanced generic programming techniques
- Compile-time evaluation and optimization
12. Real-world Zig: Building a Sample Project
- Designing a non-trivial application in Zig
- Structuring a larger Zig project
- Testing and benchmarking in Zig
- Performance optimization techniques
- Deploying a Zig application