LINQ and Optimistic Concurrency: Methods for Ensuring Data Integrity

[tr] Türkçe Oku


When working with databases, it is of great importance to properly manage concurrent operations and ensure data integrity. Concurrency control is used to manage multiple users or processes accessing the same data concurrently. In this article, we will explore how to ensure data integrity using LINQ (Language Integrated Query) with optimistic concurrency.

What is Optimistic Concurrency?

Optimistic concurrency is a method where resources are not locked when a transaction begins, but changes are checked before the transaction is completed. This approach is more suitable for scenarios with low conflict risk to maintain data integrity. Optimistic concurrency has advantages such as higher performance and more efficient resource utilization.

Optimistic concurrency has the following advantages and disadvantages:


  • Higher performance
  • More efficient resource utilization


  • Increased risk of data conflicts.
  • In case of conflicts, the transaction may need to be rolled back and retried.

Using LINQ and Optimistic Concurrency

Here’s how you can implement optimistic concurrency using LINQ and Entity Framework:

First, define the database object to be used with Entity Framework:

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }

Next, let’s track every change in the database by adding a “RowVersion” property to the student class:

public class Student
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }

Finally, apply optimistic concurrency to update a specific student record in the database:

public void UpdateStudent(int studentId, string newName)
    using (var context = new MyDbContext())
        // Get the student
        var student = context.Students.Find(studentId);

        if (student != null)
            // Update the student's name
            student.Name = newName;

            bool saveFailed;
                saveFailed = false;

                    // Save the changes
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
                    saveFailed = true;

                    // Resolve the conflicting entry
                    var entry = ex.Entries.Single();

                    // Retrieve the current values from the database

                    // Set the new values
                    entry.Property("Name").CurrentValue = newName;

                    // Clear previous errors before retrying
                    context.Entry(student).State = EntityState.Modified;

            } while (saveFailed);

In this example, we attempt to update the student record using the SaveChanges method. If the data is modified by another user or process during the operation, a DbUpdateConcurrencyException is thrown. In such cases, we resolve the conflict by retrieving the current values from the database and retrying the operation with the new values. While this approach may require rolling back and retrying the operation in case of conflicts, it generally provides higher performance and efficient resource utilization.

Considerations for Optimistic Concurrency

There are some important points to consider when implementing optimistic concurrency:

  1. Handling rollbacks and retries: When working with optimistic concurrency, it may be necessary to roll back and retry the operation in case of data conflicts. Proper management of this process is important for maintaining data integrity.

  2. Assessing the risk of data conflicts: Optimistic concurrency is more suitable for scenarios with low conflict risk. In scenarios with a high risk of conflicts, using pessimistic concurrency to ensure data integrity may be more appropriate.

Comparison with Pessimistic Concurrency

As an alternative to optimistic concurrency, pessimistic concurrency can be used to maintain data integrity

. Pessimistic concurrency is based on the principle of locking the relevant data when a transaction begins and maintaining the lock until the transaction is completed.

Advantages of pessimistic concurrency include:

  • Ensures data integrity.
  • Reduces the likelihood of conflicts in concurrent operations.

Disadvantages of pessimistic concurrency include:

  • Lower performance.
  • Inefficient resource utilization.

Depending on your use case, you may need to choose between optimistic concurrency or pessimistic concurrency methods. Generally, optimistic concurrency is suitable for scenarios with low conflict risk, while pessimistic concurrency is more appropriate for scenarios with high conflict risk.


Optimistic concurrency is a method used to maintain data integrity. Implementing optimistic concurrency in database operations using LINQ provides higher performance and efficient resource utilization in scenarios with low conflict risk. However, it is important to properly manage the risk of data conflicts and consider the process of handling rollbacks and retries when using optimistic concurrency.

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