LINQ and Pessimistic Concurrency: Methods for Ensuring Data Integrity

[tr] Türkçe Oku


When working with databases, managing concurrent operations and ensuring data integrity are of great importance. Concurrency control is used to manage multiple users or processes accessing the same data concurrently. In this article, we will explore how to use LINQ (Language Integrated Query) with pessimistic concurrency to maintain data integrity.

What is Pessimistic Concurrency?

Pessimistic concurrency is based on the principle of locking the relevant data when a transaction begins and maintaining the lock until the transaction is completed. This method helps maintain data integrity by reducing the likelihood of conflicts in concurrent operations. However, this approach has disadvantages such as lower performance and inefficient resource utilization.

Pessimistic concurrency has the following advantages and disadvantages:


  • Ensures data integrity.
  • Reduces the likelihood of conflicts in concurrent operations.


  • Lower performance.
  • Inefficient resource utilization.

Using LINQ and Pessimistic Concurrency

Here’s how you can apply pessimistic concurrency using LINQ:

First, define the database object to be used with Entity Framework:

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }

Next, apply pessimistic concurrency to update a specific student record in the database:

public void UpdateStudent(int studentId, string newName)
    using (var context = new MyDbContext())
        // Acquire the student using pessimistic locking
        var student = context.Students.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Students WITH (UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK) WHERE Id = @id", new SqlParameter("@id", studentId)).SingleOrDefault();

        if (student != null)
            // Update the student's name
            student.Name = newName;

            // Save the changes

In this example, we use the SqlQuery method to acquire the student record with an UPDLOCK and ROWLOCK. This ensures that other operations are blocked from accessing this record while an operation is being performed on it. Once the operation is complete, the changes are saved, and the lock is automatically released.

Considerations for Pessimistic Concurrency

There are some important points to consider when implementing pessimistic concurrency:

  1. Lock duration: Lock duration determines how long a resource remains locked. It is important to adjust the lock duration based on the expected duration of the operation. Very short lock durations may hinder completion of the operation, while very long lock durations lead to inefficient resource utilization.

  2. Lock granularity: The level at which locks are applied to resources is crucial for performance and data integrity. Row-level locks (ROWLOCK) offer better performance but use more memory, while table-level locks (TABLOCK) use less memory but decrease performance.

  3. Deadlock risk: When working with pessimistic concurrency, there is a risk of deadlocks. Deadlock occurs when two or more processes wait for each other’s resources, resulting in a circular dependency. Techniques such as timeout periods and lock ordering can be used to mitigate deadlock risks.

Comparison with Optimistic Concurrency

As an alternative to pessimistic concurrency, optimistic concurrency can be used to maintain data integrity. Optimistic concurrency allows multiple users to access a resource simultaneously without locking it, but checks for conflicts before committing changes.

Advantages of optimistic concurrency include:

  • Higher performance.
  • More efficient resource utilization.

Disadvantages of optimistic concurrency include:

  • Increased risk of data conflicts.
  • The need to roll back and retry operations in case of conflicts.

Depending on your use case, you may prefer either optimistic or pessimistic concurrency methods. Generally, optimistic concurrency is suitable for scenarios with low conflict risk, while pessimistic concurrency is more appropriate for scenarios with high conflict risk.


Pessimistic concurrency is a technique used to maintain data integrity. Applying pessimistic concurrency in database operations using LINQ helps reduce the risk of conflicts in concurrent operations and ensures data integrity.

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