Rust's Mysterious Box: A Comparative Examination of the Box<T> Type and Other Languages

[tr] Türkçe Oku


Among the many features offered by the Rust language, the “Box” type is one of the most significant. It allows objects with memory limitations on the stack to be stored dynamically on the heap. In this article, we will examine the Box type of the Rust language in detail and compare its features with the C#, Go, and Java languages.

The Box Type in Rust

In the Rust language, the Box type is used when data needs to be stored in memory allocated on the heap. This is used in cases where the size of the data is unknown at compile time or where the size of the data is very large. The Box type is a smart pointer that is automatically dropped during the compilation process. Thus, when Box is used, Rust prevents memory leakage and ensures memory safety.

A simple example of Box usage is below:

fn main() {
    let b = Box::new(5);
    println!("b = {}", *b);

In this example, an integer with a value of 5 is boxed and assigned to the variable b. The Box value can be dereferenced with the * operator.

Let’s take a deeper look at various usage examples of Rust’s Box<T> type:

Large Data Structures

When the size of a data structure is very large, using Box<T> in Rust is often the best option.

fn main() {
    let big_data = Box::new([0; 1_000_000]);
    println!("{}", big_data[0]);

In this example, if we do not use Box<T>, we may exceed the stack’s capacity. Rust does not allow this and generates an error. However, by using Box<T>, we can store the data on the heap and thus solve this problem.

Recursive Type Definitions

Rust’s Box<T> type is also frequently used when creating recursive data structures. The simplest example is a tree structure.

enum Tree {
    Node(i32, Box<Tree>, Box<Tree>),

fn main() {
    let left = Tree::Node(5, Box::new(Tree::Empty), Box::new(Tree::Empty));
    let tree = Tree::Node(10, Box::new(left), Box::new(Tree::Empty));

In this example, each node is defined as Node(i32, Box<Tree>, Box<Tree>). This indicates that each node has a value and two children. The children are another tree of type Box<T>. Here, the reason for using Box<T> is that the size of the Tree enum is unknown due to the potential size of Node values. With Box<T>, we can safely use values of unknown size.

Trait Objects

The Box<T> type in Rust can also be used to create a trait object. Trait objects are used in situations where multiple types share the same trait.

trait Animal {
    fn make_noise(&self);

struct Dog;
impl Animal for Dog {
    fn make_noise(&self) {

struct Cat;
impl Animal for Cat {
    fn make_noise(&self) {

fn main() {
    let animals: Vec<Box<dyn Animal>> = vec![
    for animal in animals {

In this example, we define a trait named Animal, and the Dog and Cat structs implement this trait. We then create an Animal vector and add Dog and Cat to it. This allows us to hold objects of different types in the same collection. The use of Box<dyn Trait> allows different types to implement the same trait at runtime.

The Concept of Box in C#

In the C# language, there is no direct Box type. However, there are concepts of boxing and unboxing. The boxing process is the process of converting a value type (for example, an integer) into a reference type (for example, an object). Unboxing is the reverse of this.


int i = 123;
object o = i;  // boxing
int j = (int)o;  // unboxing

In C#, boxing and unboxing operations carry a performance cost. Unlike Rust, it does not provide a specific mechanism to prevent memory leakage and ensure memory safety.

The Concept of Box in Go

In the Go language, there is no mechanism equivalent to the Box type in Rust. However, in Go, you can create a pointer to an object and thus perform dynamic memory allocation.

i := new(int)
*i = 5

Go language has a garbage collector. Therefore, unused memory is automatically reclaimed.

The Concept of Box in Java

In Java, the process of converting primitive types to object types is called “boxing”. This is done using predefined wrapper classes. For example, the int type can be converted to the Integer type. In Java, there is an automatic boxing and unboxing mechanism.

Integer boxedInt = Integer.valueOf(5);
int unboxedInt = boxedInt.intValue();

Java language has a garbage collector, and therefore unused memory is automatically reclaimed.


The Box type in the Rust language is a powerful tool for dynamic memory allocation. It also provides automatic memory management and guarantees memory safety. In C#, Go, and Java languages, these concepts are addressed in different ways. In general, the Box type of the Rust language is more secure and efficient compared to C#’s boxing/unboxing mechanism and Go’s pointer concept. The automatic boxing/unboxing operations and garbage collector mechanism in Java offer similar advantages to Rust’s Box type, but while Rust guarantees memory safety at compile time, Java relies on the garbage collector at runtime.

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